Security policy
Information Security Basic Policy

Fundamental Principles

ALGO ARTIS, Inc. aims to aid advanced operations that support the social infrastructure and achieve a high degree of efficiency, which are much superior to plans formulated by humans, by offering sophisticated optimization AI for operational planning specialized for the heavy industry.

To continue the use of AI in the field, our clients need to entrust their business data to our services.The information assets we handle, including our clients' business data, are essential to our business foundation.

We recognize the importance of protecting information assets from risks such as leakage, damage, and loss to ensure that our customers can continue to use our services with ease. All our employees, including directors, shall comply with the basic policy and practice activities to maintain information security, including the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets.

Basic Policy

‍Information Security Policy and Audits‍

To protect the information assets, we shall establish an Information Security Policy and conduct our business in accordance with this policy. In addition, we will periodically inspect and audit the status of compliance with the Information Security Policy and the handling of information assets and promptly take corrective actions for any deficiencies or improvement items found.

Data Security

All information, including data entrusted by customers, is classified into confidentiality categories to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to data and information leaks, and information storage methods and employee access privileges will be thoroughly managed according to the confidentiality categories.


All employees are educated, trained, and enlightened regularly to ensure they recognize the importance of information security and guarantee the proper handling of information assets. In addition, as we promote a teleworking style of work, we will implement technical measures to ensure information security as well as inform and ensure that all employees are aware of the information management methods necessary to implement teleworking.

Risk Assessment and Implementation of Countermeasures

We will clarify the criteria for analyzing and assessing the risk of leakage, damage, loss, etc. of information assets, establish a systematic risk assessment method, and conduct risk assessments on a regular basis. Based on the results, we will implement necessary and appropriate security measures. ‍

Incident Prevention and Response

We will take appropriate measures to counteract the occurrence of information security incidents and establish procedures to minimize damage in advance in the event of such incidents. In an emergency, we will respond promptly and take appropriate corrective measures. In addition, we will ensure the continuity of our business by establishing a framework for managing incidents, especially those that could disrupt business operations, and by regularly responding to, testing, and reviewing the recovery process.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with laws, regulations, and other norms related to information security as well as the terms of our contracts with our customers.

Establishment and Continuous Improvement of an Infomation Security Management System

We will establish and implement an information security management system and continuously review and improve it.

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